To receive information on the Council’s 2018-19 financial outturn position for General Fund Revenue, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Plan, including proposals for revenue and capital rollover from 2018-19 to 2019-20. This report also includes an annual review of Council Treasury Management activity
Ward: Not Applicable
Portfolio: Corporate
Contact: James Anderson, Senior Finance Manager and Sarah Hill, Finance Manager, 01484 221000
That Cabinet:-
(1) Noted the revenue outturn position for 2018-19;
(2) Noted the year end position on corporate reserves and balances;
(3) Noted the regular monitoring and review of corporate reserves in 2019-20 to be reported to Cabinet as part of the Quarterly financial monitoring cycle; and
(4) Approved the revenue rollover recommendation set out in the report.
(5) Noted the year end position on the Collection Fund;
(6) Noted the HRA revenue outturn and reserves position 2018-19;
(7) Noted the Council capital outturn position for 2018-19;
(8) Approved the £31.7m capital rollover from 2018-19 to 2019-20;
(9) Approved the revised capital plan for the period 2019-24 after taking into account rollover, the re-phasing of schemes and changes to grant assumptions.
(10) Noted the review of Treasury Management activity for 2018-19.