12: Dewsbury Heritage Action Zone PDF 708 KB
A report seeking Cabinet approval for a number of recommendations to ensure an efficient and timely implementation of the Heritage Action Zone and wider regeneration of Dewsbury Town Centre.
Wards: Dewsbury East
Officer: Peter Thompson, Economic Resilience Project Manager
1) That it be agreed that the Council funded part of the Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) can be used to support a variety of interventions that support delivery of the HAZ objectives, as outlined in paragraphs 2.10-2.16 of the considered report.
2) That the Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture), or, the Service Director (Housing), in consultation with relevant Cabinet Members, be authorised to approve individual items of expenditure of up to £500k from within the HAZ fund, the ‘Private Sector Housing – Other’ and ‘Regeneration of Strategic Town Centre – Dewsbury’ elements of the approved capital plan.
3) That the offer of the grant from Historic England be accepted to enable the effective delivery of the programme.
4) That the Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture), or, the Service Director (Housing), be authorised to negotiate and agree the terms of the grant offer from Historic England.
5) That the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) be authorised to enter into any related funding or ancillary agreements(s) with Historic England.
6) That approval be given to the principle of acquiring key properties within the HAZ, as set out within the considered report, and that the Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture) or the Service Director (Housing), in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member(s) agree individual purchases.
7) That approval be given for the property acquisitions, and any related works described in the considered report, to be funded from capital plan allocations, as detailed in paragraph 3.5.
8) That approval be given to the principle of acquiring key properties within the HAZ by the use of Compulsory Purchase Order powers and that the Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture), or Service Director (Housing), in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, agree the individual purchases.
9) That approval be given to the property acquisitions and any related works described in the report, to be funded from the capital plan allocations as described in paragraph 3.5 of the considered report.
10)That approval be given to the principle of acquiring key properties within the HAZ by using Compulsory Purchase Order powers and that the Service Director (Economy, Regeneration and Culture), or the Service Director (Housing), in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member, agree the individual properties.
11)That it be noted that, in instances where it appears unlikely that it will be possible to acquire by agreement, further reports will be submitted on individual groups of properties with proposals to make Compulsory Purchase Orders for those properties.