10: Housing Delivery Plan PDF 421 KB
A report seeking approval of the Housing Deliver programme.
Officer: NazParkar, Director of Housing.
That approval be given to the proposal for a programme of housing
land disposals and development to enable the delivery of the
council’s strategic ambition for more affordable housing,
specialist accommodation, Right to Buy receipts programme (as
described in paragraphs 3.33- 3.38 of the report) and for
mainstream mixed tenure housing;
Cabinet noted that the Council was at an early stage of site
analysis and so a degree of flexibility would be needed as more
became known about site feasibility and constraints and the
finalising of the local plan;
3. That approval be given to work with an identified specialist partner as set out in paragraphs 3.39 – 3.43 of the report, to deliver new provision for people with very complex and challenging behaviours currently living in hospital;
4. That approval be given to work with an identified partner to develop supported housing for adults with Learning Disabilities as set out in paragraphs 3.44-3.46 of the report, currently living in the Mencap scheme at Castle House;
5. That approval be given to run a design competition as set out in paragraphs 3.77-3.80 of the report, on an appropriate site in the ownership of the Council and the Strategic Director, Economy and Infrastructure be given delegated authority to identify the most appropriate site and the parameters of the competition;
6. The Strategic Director, Economy and Infrastructure, in consultation with Portfolio Holder for Adults and Independence, be given delegated authority to determine the blended packages, the selection of partners and negotiate and agree the terms of the disposal (as described in paragraphs 3.15- 3.32 and 3.47 to 3.80 of the report) subject to: detailed due diligence and business case viability; and appropriate governance arrangements to ensure oversight of the programme and the individual projects within it; and
7. That the Cabinet receive periodic updates to report on the progress and performance of the Land Disposal and Development Programme.