To adopt the Events Policy and associated charging framework for outdoor events which will lead to a more consistent approach across the council to how communities and other event organisers are supported and enabled to deliver events in Kirklees.
Wards: All Wards
Officer: Adele Poppleton, Head of Culture and Vibrancy, Tel 01484 221000
Additional documents:
The adoption of the Events Policy, with implementation from 1 April
2019 was approved so that there was future clarity around decisions
and processes which better enabled event organisers to deliver
their events and publish on the Council’s website;
The Events Charging Framework for outdoor events was approved, with
implementation from 1 April 2019 and publication on the
Council’s website, so there was clarity around which event
organisers the Council would charge to use its sites in the future
and what it would charge for;
Authority be delegated to the Strategic Director of Economy and
Infrastructure in consultation with the relevant portfolio holders
to refuse permission for an event to go ahead if it contravenes the
Events Policy, and/or is assessed to be unsafe and/or make minor
amendments to the Policy; and
(4) Authority be delegated to relevant heads of service to reduce or waive charges if a strong case is presented demonstrating that an outdoor event will contribute to the council’s outcomes.