Issue - meetings

Half Yearly Monitoring report on Treasury Management activities 2018-19

Meeting: 11/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 10:)

10: Half Yearly Monitoring report on Treasury Management activities 2018-19. pdf icon PDF 615 KB

The Council has adopted the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management. It is a requirement of the Code that regular reports be submitted to Members detailing treasury management operational activity. This report is the mid-year for 2018/19 covering the period 1 April to 30 September 2018.


Contact: James Anderson Senior Finance Manager Tel: 01484 221000.


(1) That the half-year treasury management performance 2018/2019, as detailed within the considered report, be noted.


(2) That approval be given to amending the Council’s current investment strategy to include the Local Authority Property Fund as a potential investment source.


(3) That it be noted that Officers will further explore an investment opportunity of between £5m and £10m in the Fund, and that subject to further Government clarification on the statutory override, and other risk considerations, any such proposals be formalised into the forthcoming 2019/2020 Annual Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Budget for further consideration.