9: Dewsbury Town Centre : Strategic Development Framework & Delivery Programme PDF 1 MB
To seek Cabinet approval for:
(i) a Strategic Development Framework to guide the long term development of Dewsbury Town Centre and a Delivery Programme which sets out a broad range of actions that will progress the regeneration of the town centre over the next three years; and
(ii) £525,000 to be spent on programme of public realm works
Officer: Peter Thompson, Economic Resilience Project Manager Tel: 01484 221000
Additional documents:
That Cabinet:-
Approved the Dewsbury Town Centre Strategic Development Framework
as described in the report;
Approved the Delivery Programme as described in this
3. Authorised officers to progress feasibility and development work that would progress the aims and objectives contained in the Strategic Development Framework and Delivery Programme and that this be funded from the ‘Aspirational Regeneration of Major Town Centres – Feasibility’ part of the Capital Plan and any other relevant sources available; and
4. Approved the expenditure of £525,000 on a programme of works as described in the report, that would improve the appearance of the town centre and that this be funded from the approved Capital Plan allocation for ‘Strategic Regeneration of Town Centres – Dewsbury.