To request that Cabinet approve the outline details of the Kirklees school funding formula for 2019-20.
Ward: All
Officer: Eamonn Croston, Service Director Finance and Martin Wilby, Senior Strategic Manager, Education Places and Access Tel: 01484 221000
1) That the consultative process undertaken in collaboration with Head Teachers, via the Schools Forum, in order to determine the ongoing local approach to the distribution of DSG Schools Block funding for 2019-2020.
2) That the Exceptions Applications submitted to the Education and Skills Funding Agency, which were subsequently approved, be noted.
3) That approval be given to the submission of the schools funding formula for 2019-2020 (based upon a guaranteed funding rise of at least 1% per pupil in comparison to each school’s 2017-2018 per pupil baseline) to the Education and Skills Funding Agency.