Issue - meetings

Additional Local Highways Maintenance Funding 2018/2019

Meeting: 22/01/2019 - Cabinet (Item 12:)

12: Additional Local Highways Maintenance Funding 2018/2019 pdf icon PDF 378 KB

This is a key decision to seek approval for an enhanced programme of highway maintenance on Local Community Roads.


Officer: Graham Mallory, Group Engineer, Tel: 01484 221000

Additional documents:


That Cabinet:-


  1. Noted the Council’s grant allocation dated 13 November 2018 from the Department of Transport of £2,711,000 as a result of the Chancellor’s 2018 Budget for local highways maintenance which would form part of the Council’s Highways capital plan to be used before 31st March 2019;


  1. Authorised the allocation of the grant funding in paragraph 6.1 of the report, where condition surveys showed the greatest need, namely, Local Community Roads (the unclassified road network); and


  1. That the Strategic Director, Economy and Infrastructure, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Communities and Environment, be authorised to agree a programme of highway surfacing works to implement paragraph 6.2 of the report.