Issue - meetings

Kirklees Annual Educational Standards and Quality Report 2017-18

Meeting: 19/02/2019 - Cabinet (Item 10:)

10: Kirklees Annual Educational Standards and Quality Report 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 248 KB

To report formally the Key Stage educational achievement outcomes for Kirklees Schools in the 2017/18 academic year.


Ward: All


Officer: Emma Brayford, Kirklees Learning Partner and Harkireet Sohel, Head of Service Outcomes for Children. Tel: 01484 221000

Additional documents:


That Cabinet:-

1.    Approved the Kirklees Annual Educational Quality and Standards Report 2017-18;


2.    Delegated authority to the Director for Children’s Services in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder for Learning and Aspiration and the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services to finalise the development of a 5 year Learning Strategy with the Education and Learning Partnership Board by the Summer term; and 


3.    That impact be monitored and progress evaluated through quarterly monitoring to Cabinet.