12: Huddersfield Business Improvement District (BID) PDF 236 KB
This report is to note:
a) progress on the development of the BID project in the run up to the forthcoming July BID ballot, and
the financial implications and consider potential waiver of any eligible admin costs incurred by the Council
Ward: Newsome
Portfolio: Regeneration
Contact: Carol Carr, Housing Growth Manager, Tel:
01484 221000
Additional documents:
(1) That approval be given to waive the charges for the collection of the business levy associated with the BID.
(2) That the potential financial implications if the BID was successful, be noted.
(3) Subject to the outcome of the ballot, authority be delegated to the Service Director Legal, Governance and Commissioning or her authorised representatives, to approve the terms of, and execute any legal documentation to which the council is to be a party, necessary to finalise the implementation of the BID.