Issue - meetings

Ashbrow Housing Site - Update

Meeting: 18/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 13:)

13: Ashbrow Housing Site - Update pdf icon PDF 114 KB

To update Cabinet on the current position with the Ashbrow Housing site


Ward: Ashbrow


Portfolio: Corporate and Housing and Democracy


Contact:  Adele Buckley - Head of Housing Growth and Regeneration and Liz Jefferson - Strategic Partnership Lead – Housing Growth, Tel: 01484 221000


Additional documents:


(1)  That approval be given to proceed with the Ashbrow development in accordance with the contractual terms as set out in the private appendix of the report.

(2)  That the Service Director Legal, Governance and Commissioning be authorised to enter into any contractual documentation required to reflect the changes to Ashbrow scheme.