14: Calculation of Council Tax Base 2020/2021 PDF 140 KB
To seek approval of the Council for the various tax bases, this will apply to the Kirklees area for the financial year 2020/21 in connection with the Council Tax. There are no proposed changes to the current Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) for 2020/21.
Wards affected: All
Portfolio: Corporate
Contact: Steve Bird – Head of Welfare and Exchequer Services and Mark Stanley – Senior Manager Welfare and Exchequer Services Tel: 01484 221000
That the 2020/21 Council Tax base for the whole of the Kirklees area, and the Council Tax bases for the five Parish and Town Council areas, be referred to the meeting of Council on 15 January 2020 with a recommendation of approval.
Whole of Kirklees £120,827.80
Denby Dale £5,855.94
Holme Valley £10,149.79
Kirkburton £9,047.44
Meltham £2,859.75
Mirfield £6,693.77