Issue - meetings

Kirklees school funding arrangements for financial year 2020-21

Meeting: 14/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 10:)

10: Kirklees School Funding Arrangements for Financial Year 2020/2021 pdf icon PDF 244 KB

To give consideration to Kirklees’ school funding arrangements for financial year 2020-21.


Wards affected: All


Portfolio: Children’s Services


Contact: David Gearing, Schools Finance Manager, Tel:01484 221000



1)    That details of the consultative process, undertaken in collaboration with Head Teachers to determine the ongoing local approach to the distribution of Dedicated Schools Grant Schools Block funding for 2020-2021, be noted.

2)    That the exceptions applications made to the ESFA, and subsequently approved, be noted.

3)    That the changes to the schools funding formula funding arrangements for 2020-2021, leading up to the full introduction of the National Funding Formula for Schools from April 2021, be noted.

4)    That the ongoing local consultation with schools and other providers to ensure an appropriate local response to national funding formula developments be noted.

5)    That approval be given to the submission of the schools funding formula for 2020-2021 (based upon a guaranteed funding rise of at least 1.84% per pupil in comparison to each school’s 2019-2020 per pupil baseline) to the Education and Skills Funding Agency.