Issue - meetings

Dewsbury Town Centre Grant Scheme

Meeting: 10/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 7:)

7: Dewsbury Town Centre Grant Scheme pdf icon PDF 587 KB

To seek approval to develop a scheme for the improvement of shop fronts, the creation of viable new uses within the upper floors of the buildings through grant aid and to consider enforcement measures to facilitate the same objectives within Dewsbury town centre.


Ward: Dewsbury East


Portfolio: Portfolio Holder for Regeneration


Contact: Peter Thompson, Economic Resilience Project Manager, Tel: 01484 221000



1.    That resources of £1.25m be approved to support the establishment and operation of a grant scheme as generally described in the report.

2.    Approved that the funds to be taken from the capital plan allocation for Dewsbury Town centre in the approved Capital Plan 2019-22. 

3.    That the Strategic Director for Economy and Infrastructure be authorised to set up and implement a grant scheme, as described in the report, for the award of third party grants to owners of properties for the purposes of the improving shop fronts and/or for the purposes of securing sustainable uses of empty property, where appropriate.

4.    That the Strategic Director for Economy and Infrastructure be authorised to enter into discussions with Future High Street Fund, the National Lottery Grants for Heritage Fund, Architectural Heritage Fund and Historic England to secure possible funding for the scheme and in consultation  with the Lead Portfolio Holder for the Economy accept any grant offers.