11: Interim Affordable Housing Policy 2020 PDF 144 KB
To seek Cabinet approval to adopt the Interim Affordable Housing Policy 2020. This provides updated interim policy and guidelines for dealing with affordable housing contributions in new housing development and replaces the Interim Affordable Housing Policy 2016.
Wards affected: All
Portfolio: Housing and Democracy and Regeneration
Contact: Steve Wright, Planning Policy Group Leader
Additional documents:
1) That approval be given to the Interim Affordable Housing Policy 2020, which provides updated interim policy and guidelines for dealing with affordable housing/financial contributions from new housing developments, as attached at Appendix 1 of the considered report, and that the 2016 Interim Affordable Housing Policy be revoked.
2) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Growth and Housing) to make any further additional modifications which relate exclusively to factual updates and format corrections in the process of publishing the Interim Affordable Housing Policy 2020.