9: St Paul's Road, Mirfield - Supported Living Accommodation development PDF 139 KB
To update Cabinet on key changes since the original report was approved in August 2018
Wards Affected: Mirfield
Portfolio: Health and Social Care
Contact: Gary Wainwright, Partnership Commissioning Manager – Learning Disabilities, Tel 01484 221000
1) That approval be given to the development of new supported living accommodation at St Pauls Road, Mirfield, for adults with social care needs.
2) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) to negotiate and agree the terms of the disposal with Connect Housing.
3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) for the Council to enter into and execute any agreement and transfer and any other ancillary documents and agreements that relate to the disposal of land at the former Mirfield Depot, St Pauls Road.
4) That Adults Services be authorised to commission and fund meeting the care and support needs of all intended tenants of the development.