Issue - meetings

Birkby/Fartown Library New Build

Meeting: 01/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 12:)

12: Achieve and Aspire Strategic Priorities Libraries & Public Buildings Programme – Proposals to allocate funding to and deliver the new build Birkby Fartown Library pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To consider the allocation of funding from the Achieve & Aspire Strategic Priorities section of the Capital Plan, and authorise officers to deliver a new build library facility within the Birkby Fartown community.


Wards affected: Greenhead


Contact: Carol Stump, Chief Librarian / David Martin, Corporate Landlord

Additional documents:


1)    That approval be given to the allocation of a capital budget of £799k for the delivery of a replacement new build library facility at Birkby Fartown, as outlined in the considered report.

2)    That approval be given to the preferred site location for the proposed new build off Lea Street, adjacent to Birkby Junior School, as set out at Appendix A.

3)    That Officers be authorised to procure and implement a new build library for Birkby Fartown as described within the report, subject to a satisfactory conclusion of the ‘Stopping Up’ order for the Greenway on Lea Street.