9: Huddersfield Town Centre Blueprint - Supplementary Planning Document PDF 163 KB
To consider the adoption of the Huddersfield Town Centre Blueprint Supplementary Planning Document.
Contact: Simon Taylor, Town Centre Regeneration
Wards affected: Dalton, Greenhead, Newsome
Additional documents:
1) That approval be given to the adoption of the Huddersfield Town Centre Blueprint Supplemental Planning Document, as set out at Appendix 2 of the considered report.
2) That Cabinet recognise the importance of the Penistone line to Kirklees, in terms of the connectivity that it provides to the Sheffield City Region, and that the importance of this infrastructure and the benefits that it provides for accessibility and the economy should be recognised within the Masterplan.
3) That Officers be authorised to carry out the necessary formal procedures for the adoption of the Huddersfield Town Centre Blueprint Supplemental Planning Document.
4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) to make any further non-material additional modifications to the Huddersfield Town Centre Blueprint Supplemental Planning Document that arise as part of the adoption process.