7: Huddersfield District Energy & Heat Network PDF 835 KB
To (i) consider accepting the offer of grant funding from the BEIS Heat Networks Delivery Unit and agree corresponding capital match funding and (ii) give approval to commence a procurement exercise to engage a consultant to commence the delivery of the next feasibility stage.
Wards affected: Dalton, Newsome
Contact: John Atkinson, Energy and Climate Change
1) That the positive results of the 2018 feasibility study be noted.
2) That approval be given to (i) accepting grant funding for the project from the BEIS Heat Network Delivery Unit (£309, 265) and (ii) corresponding capital match funding (£152,325) for the DPD stage of feasibility, as identified within the Capital Plan, in order to allow the heat network feasibility process to be completed and produce and outline business case.
3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Environment and Climate Change) to immediately undertake procurement of consultants for the future delivery of the detailed project development stage of a Huddersfield District Heat and Energy Network.
4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Environment and Climate Change) to deliver the actions as set out above, and apply any minor alterations in order to ensure that the project is delivered up to outline business case completion.
5) That a further update be submitted to Cabinet following the completion of the DPD stage, presenting the completed findings of the feasibility process and the outline business case for consideration.