14: Works Better 15-25 Positive Minds PDF 179 KB
To consider granting approval for the Council to receive and act as accountable body for a European Social Fund grant of £937,185 to deliver the Works Better 15-25 Positive Minds project.
Wards affected: All
Contact: Chris Duffill, Business and Skills
1) That approval be given to the delivery of the Works Better 15-25 Positive Minds project.
2) That approval be given to accepting external European Social Funding of £937,185 for the project and for the Council to act as the accountable body in relation to the grant.
3) That Cabinet receive regular progress reports as to the delivery of the project.
4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) and the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to finalise and execute all necessary legal agreements with the Department for work and Pensions, and project delivery partners.
5) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) and the Service Director (Finance) to submit grant claims and undertake related project monitoring and reporting.