13: Year of Music 2023 PDF 243 KB
To consider investment in the development of the Year of Music 2023.
Wards affected: All
Contact: Kath Wynne-Hague, Cultural Development
1) That approval be given to the allocation of £239,687 in 2021/2022 for the development of the Year of Music 2023 Programme.
2) That approval be given to the underwriting of the budget for 2022/2023 of £354,687 and of £264,287 for 2023/2024.
3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Culture and Visitor Economy) to support delivery activity and implement the Year of Music Programme and approve individual projects within the budget envelope.
4) That it be noted that the timescale as set out at para. 5.1 has been planned as to ensure that the programme of activity is well marketed in order to achieve sales targets.
5) That the level of staffing resource required to deliver the programme be noted.
6) That a report be submitted to Cabinet in September 2022 to provide an update regarding funding and sponsorship, and details about the programme.
7) That, if funding targets for 2022.2023 are not met, the request for funding be submitted through the 2022 budget process and that, if further Council funding is required in 2023/2024 a request be submitted in September 2023.