17: Kirklees Stadium Development Limited - Future Options PDF 194 KB
To review current arrangements for KDSL, which manages Kirklees Stadium.
Wards affected: Not applicable
Contact: David Shepherd, Growth and Regeneration
1) That a Community Trust option be supported if it proves to be achievable.
2) That the Council indicates a willingness to lend up to £13m to the Community Trust from the Council’s Property Investment Fund capital programme, should the Community Trust be able to demonstrate a viable business plan.
3) That Officers be instructed to explore matters related to, and carry out all necessary due diligence in relation to (i) the formation of the Community Trust in relation to matters such as (but not limited to) the scope of the Community Trust operations, membership, ongoing operating requirements and appropriate cost recovery arrangements including future loan/re-financing requirements, loan terms and interest rates and (ii) the associated loan and the associated documentation.
4) That the Council clarifies its expectations regarding community interest in the context of stadium operations.
5) That if agreement on a value could be reached between the Council and Kirklees Stadium Development Limited, the Council will acquire the Gasworks Street site.
6) That (1) and (5) above be subject to (i) Kirklees Stadium Development Limited, Huddersfield Town AFC and Huddersfield Giants demonstrating arrangements (a) to retain ‘on going’ financial support to ensure that KSDL does not enter administration (b) that they have reached a set of acceptable agreements relating to the future operation under a Trust model and (ii) Council Officers being satisfied that the arrangements being proposed offer a suitable viable proposal that should minimise risk to the Council.
7) That, subject to the requirements being satisfied (i) Council Officers be authorised to appoint such professional expertise as they consider necessary in order to ensure that arrangements are created which provide appropriate degrees of risk protection for the Council and (ii) the Chief Executive, Strategic Director (Regeneration), Service Director (Finance) and Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning), in consultation with executive members, be authorised to prepare the appropriate and necessary documentation to execute the transactions.