16: Kirklees Active Leisure - Funding and Partnership Framework Update PDF 165 KB
To consider an update on Kirklees Active Leisure funding relating to Covid-19 and to present the Partnership Framework.
Wards affected: all
Officer: Martin Gonzalez – Development Manager
Additional documents:
1) That the information as set out at Appendices A to I be noted.
2) That approval be given to the Council’s commitment to underwrite irrecoverable KAL income loss, as a direct consequence of covid, of up to £3.5m through 2021/2022 from earmarked Council reserves.
3) That approval be given to the accompanying KAL Partnership Framework as part of the broader inclusive ambition agenda and that the incorporation of the underwrite of up to £3.5m into the updated general reserves position as part of the Council’s 2020/2021 financial outturn and rollover report be noted.
4) That it be noted that, as part of the forthcoming Medium Term Financial Strategy review, Officers will review the KAL Partnership and Framework in line with emerging priority outcomes, including consideration of attendant resourcing implications that might emerge.