10: Place Standard Investment Fund - Funding Criteria and Decision-Making Process PDF 348 KB
To consider the Place Standard Investment Fund, criteria, and decision-making process.
Wards affected: all
Officer: Vina Randhawa – Democracy Manager, Active Citizens and Places
1) That approval be given to the establishment of a Place Standard Fund and the criteria and decision-making process for the Place Standard Investment Fund, as detailed within the considered report.
2) That approval be given to the creation of a specific reserve, with an initial £500k allocation, to fund endorsed action plans through 2021/2022.
3) That approval be given to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Housing and Democracy), to make decisions on the allocation of this fund up to a maximum of £50k per ward per financial year.
4) That subsequent proposals for Place Standard Funding in future years be considered as part of the annual budget process for 2022/2023.