Issue - meetings

Rent & service charge setting for Housing Revenue Account properties for 2022-23

Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Cabinet (Item 10:)

10: Housing Revenue Account (HRA) rent and service charge setting report and key housing challenges pdf icon PDF 341 KB

To consider the annual setting of rent and service charge increases for 2022-23.


Wards affected: all wards


Contact: Jacqui Fieldhouse – Head of Finance, Homes and Neighbourhoods


1)    That approval be given to increase rents by an average of £2.91 per week (4.1%) and service charges payable between 0.02p and 0.84p per week (4.1%) for social housing from 4 April 2022.

2)    That approval be given to increase charges for Extra Care Services – Intensive Housing Management by between 0.98p and £2.50 (4.1% - CPI + 1%) and Extra Care Services – Night care Service by £1.19 per week (6.6%).

3)    That the national and local financial challenges for the Housing Revenue Account budget discussions in January 2022 be noted.