Issue - meetings

Kirklees Resource & Waste Strategy

Meeting: 27/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 7:)

7: Kirklees Resource & Waste Strategy (Reference to Council) pdf icon PDF 167 KB

To consider the outcome of the public engagement exercise and the draft Kirklees Resource & Waste Strategy 2021-30.


Wards affected: all


Officer: Natalie Clark – Programme Manager

Additional documents:


1)    That the Kirklees Resources and Waste Strategy 2021-2030 be endorsed and submitted to the meeting of Council in September 2021.

2)    That, subject to the approval of (1) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Environment and Climate Change), in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and S151 Officer, to drawdown transformation reserve resources as appropriate to support the development and implementation of the Kirklees Resources and Waste Strategy 2021-2030.