8: 2021/22 - 2025/26 Bereavement Services Capital Plan - Proposed allocation as of 2021/22 PDF 151 KB
To consider projects to be funded from the 2021/22 – 2022/23 Bereavement Services Capital Plan of Investment.
Wards affected: all
Officer: Paul Hawkins – Operational Manager - Venues
1) That approval be given to the programmes of work for 2021/2022-2022/2023, as detailed within the considered report, within a budget of £595k, enabling Bereavement Services to (i) invest and maintain its portfolio of cemeteries and crematoria and (ii) ensure that works undertaken provide safe and accessible facilities for visitors and families.
2) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Culture and Visitor Economy), in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members (i) to add new urgent projects to the programmes (2021-2022 and 2022-2023), as detailed within the report, provided that the total cost of the programmes remains within the approved capital allocations set by the Council and (ii) to slip, delete or reallocate budget between projects during the course of the plan provided that the total cost of the programmes remains within the approved capital allocations set by the Council to enable the effective management of the programmes concerned.
3) That officers be authorised to design, tender and implement the delivery of the projects and work streams identified within the report.