To consider the report.
Contact: Jo Scrutton, Planning Policy
1) That the outcome of the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan referendum, as outlined within the considered report, pursuant to Section 38 Sub Section 3A (a) of the Planning and Compulsory Act (as amended) and (as updated by the Neighbourhood Plan Regulations 2017) be noted.
2) That the Council makes (beings into force) the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan Made Plan (as outlined at Appendix 3 of the report pursuant to Section 38A (4)(A) of the Planning and Compulsory Act (as amended)).
3) That, pursuant to (1) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to prepare consequential updates to the Kirklees Development Plan policies map to illustrate geographically the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Area 8, character areas and relevant Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan policy designations.
4) That, pursuant to (2) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to make any further amendments to the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan that relate exclusively to factual updates, grammatical and formatting corrections for the purposes of publishing the plan.
5) That, pursuant to (1) above, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to (i) take the necessary steps to publicise the making of the Holme Valley Neighbourhood Development Plan and (ii) prepare and publicise the post-adoption sustainability appraisal/strategic environmental assessment statement in accordance with the regulations governing such matters.