Issue - meetings

Half yearly monitoring report on Treasury Management Activities 2022-23

Meeting: 17/01/2024 - Council (Item 8:)

8: Half yearly monitoring Report on Treasury Management Activities 2022-2023 (Reference from Cabinet) pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To receive the report.


Contact: James Anderson, Head of Accountancy


The half yearly monitoring report on Treasury Management was received and noted.

Meeting: 21/12/2022 - Cabinet (Item 12:)

12: Half Yearly Monitoring report on Treasury Management activities 2022/23 (Reference to Council) pdf icon PDF 866 KB

To receive the half-year treasury management performance in 2022/23.


Wards affected: all


Contact: James Anderson, Head of Accountancy Service


RESOLVED – That the half-year treasury management performance in 2022/23 be noted.