20: Homes and Neighbourhood Governance Review by David Tolson Partnerships (DTP) PDF 381 KB
To consider the report and findings of the review by David Tolson Partnerships.
Wards affected: All
Contact: Eric Hughes, Head of Assurance and Transformation
Additional documents:
1) That the recommendations of David Tolson Partnerships be noted.
2) That approval be given to establish a Homes and Neighbourhoods Improvement Board.
3) That the Terms of Reference for the Homes and Neighbourhoods Improvement Board, as set out at Appendix 2, be approved.
4) That approval be given to establish a new Tenants Voice Panel.
5) That the Terms of Reference for the Tenants Voice Panel, as set out at Appendix 3, be approved.
6) That the Homes and Neighbourhoods Board Member and Independent Chair role profiles, as set out at Appendices 4 and 5, be approved.
7) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Homes and Neighbourhoods) to recruit and appoint non-elected members to the Homes and Neighbourhoods Improvement Board and Tenants Voice Panel.
8) That authority to delegate the renumeration for the Independent Chair for the Homes and Neighbourhoods Improvement Board, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Democracy, be given to the Service Director (Homes and Neighbourhoods).
9) That it be noted that the appointment of Elected Members to the Homes and Neighbourhoods Improvement Board will be in accordance with the Council’s Constitution.