11: Making Changes to Provision for Pupils with Special Educational Needs PDF 718 KB
To consider proposals to establish Additionally Resourced Provision at three maintained schools on the Netherhall Learning Campus and to remove other registered Additionally Resourced Provision.
Contact: Martin Wilby, Head of Education, Places and Access
Additional documents:
1) That it be noted that (i) the advice of Kirklees SOAG in regards to the proposals for Netherhall St James CE (VC) Infant and Nursery School and Netherhall Learning Campus Junior School to remove the provision of five transitional places for children with physical impairment and for newly additionally resourced provision to be established at Netherhall St James CE (VC) Infant and Nursery School, Netherhall Learning Campus Junior School and Netherhall Learning Campus High School for children with complex communication and interaction needs is valid and (ii) the required statutory processes have been carried out.
2) That it be agreed that the decision regarding the proposals will be taken within the statutory timeframe.
3) That the outcomes and recommendations of the meeting of Kirklees SOAG, held on 9 December 2022, and associated officers recommendations, be noted.
4) That the financial implications of approving the proposals be noted.
5) That it be confirmed that, in meeting the obligations of the Equality Act 2010 and Public Sector Equality Duty 2011, full regard has been given to the Equalities Impact Assessment throughout the statutory process for the proposal.
6) That approval be given to the establishment of a new additionally resources provision for complex communication and interaction needs at Netherhall St James CE (VC) Infant and Nursery School, Netherhall Learning Campus Junior School and Netherhall Learning Campus High School; (i) Netherhall St James CE (VC) Infant and Nursey School – up to 12 places from 17 April 2023 (ii) Netherhall Learning Campus Junior School – up to 12 places from 1 September 2023 and (iii) Netherhall Learning Campus High School – up to 20 places from 17 April 2023.
7) That approval be given to the removal of additionally resourced provision for five transitional places associated with physical impairment at Netherhall St James CE (VC) Infant and Nursery School, and Netherhall Learning Campus Junior School, from 31 January 2023.