9: Kirklees Local Plan Review and Update PDF 1 MB
To consider the outcome of a review of the Kirklees Local Plan.
Wards affected: all
Contact: Jo Scrutton, Planning Policy Team Leader – Planning Policy Group
1) That the findings and recommendations of the internal officer review of the fitness of the Kirklees Local Plan (as outlined in Appendix 1 of the considered report) be ratified and the council’s reasons and decisions be published on its website.
2) That a recommendation be made to Council that a full update of the Kirklees Local Plan commence (following current statutory local plan processes with the process to be reviewed following confirmation of the government’s proposed planning reforms).
3) That authority be given to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration to prepare a Local Development Scheme (programme to produce development plan documents) with a completed LDS presented to a future meeting of Cabinet for approval and publication.
4) That authority be given to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration to commence the preparation of a revised Statement of Community Involvement and to consult on a draft document.
5) That a final Statement of Community Involvement be presented at a future meeting for approval and publication.