Issue - meetings

Increasing the number of places available at Woodley School and College

Meeting: 17/10/2023 - Cabinet (Item 7:)

7: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) - Increasing Special School Places pdf icon PDF 324 KB

To consier creating additional school places at Woodley School and College.


Wards affected: all


Contact: Martin Wilby, Head of Education Places and Access

Additional documents:




1)    That further to the consideration of the outcome of the non-statutory consultation, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director, Children’s Services to publish related statutory proposals to create additional special school places at Woodley School and College as prescribed in the 2013 Regulations.

2)    That Cabinet consider and determine the proposals at the end of the representation period.

3)    That further to the consideration of the outcome of non-statutory consultation, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director, Children’s Services to publish related statutory proposals to create additional special school places as prescribed in the 2013 regulations.

4)    That Cabinet consider and determine the proposals at the end of the representation period.