To consider grant support from the Huddersfield Heritage Led Regeneration Grant Scheme for properties at 19-33a John William Street, Huddersfield.
Ward affected: Newsome
Contact: Nigel Hunston, Team Leader Town Centres Conservation and Design
1) That approval be given to providing a HLRS grant to B&M Properties of £610.5k towards replacement shop fronts to 19-33a John William Street, as detailed within the report and Appendix 1 (exempt), and that Officers publish details of the subsidy on the national transparency database.
2) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) in conjunction with the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to agree and complete the grant agreement and other documentation necessary to enable the project to proceed and that the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) be authorised to enter into the aforementioned documentation on behalf of the Council.
3) That, in the event that costs change, authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Finance and Regeneration) the ability to vary the amount of grant subject to the funds being found from within existing grant scheme resources.