8: Revision of Car Parking Tariffs / Charges PDF 378 KB
To consider the revised car parking tariffs.
Contact: Sarah Durdin, Highways and Streetscene
Additional documents:
1) That approval be given to introduce new parking charges and that a statutory consultation process in relation to new charges will be undertaken in order to do this.
2) That approval also be given to increase existing parking charges by inflation, retrospectively and that in addition a non-statutory engagement and consultation process in relation to increased charges will be undertaken.
3) Note that in accordance with usual procedures, on completion of the consultations, a report will be submitted to Cabinet Committee Local Issues for consideration in relation to the Traffic Regulation Order.
4) That authority be delegated to CCLI for the decision prior to implementation of revised charges.
5) That it be noted that any future annual revisions of car parking tariffs / charges may be delegated to the relevant Service Director responsible for the Parking Service, in accordance with the Financial Procedure Rules.