4 Call in of Cabinet decision in relation to the Revision of Car Parking Tariffs / Charges PDF 198 KB
To consider information relating to the Cabinet Decision in relation to the Revision of Car Parking Tariffs/Charges.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED: The decision taken in relation to car parking charges be freed for implementation.
In respect of the decision the Panel wish to make the following comments as learning points:
(1) That within all future Cabinet reports the reasons for the decision, the financial implications and options considered should be included.
(2) The Panel were satisfied with the level of financial detail provided at today’s meeting, and request that this be included in the future report to the meeting of the Cabinet Committee (Local Issues).
(3) The Panel acknowledged the value and importance of the pre-decision scrutiny process which may have mitigated the need for a call-in. Whilst acknowledging the urgency of the decision every effort should be made in future to factor in pre-decision scrutiny into the decision making process.
The Scrutiny Panel considered the grounds of a call-in request, in respect of the final decision taken by Cabinet on 14 November 2023 to relating to the Revision of Car Parking Tariffs/Charges.
The two decision making areas which were the focus of the call-in review meeting were;
· Options: No details of the reasons for the decision or the alternative options considered were presented as part of the Cabinet report.
At the review meeting the Scrutiny Panel considered verbal submissions from councillors who were signatories to the call in and views from ward councillors affected by the decision. The Panel also considered the response of the Cabinet Member and senior officers of from Highways and Streetscene.
The Panel considered everything that had been submitted in writing and verbally at the hearing. This included the background reports, information that had informed the Cabinet’s final decision and the responses to questions relating to cost and revenue implications of the decision and the reasons for the decision being taken.
The Panel considered the three decision options set out on the Council’s Constitution, that were available to it:
RESOLVED: The decision taken in relation to car parking charges be freed for implementation
In respect of the decision the Panel, wish to make the following comments as learning points:
(1) That within all future Cabinet reports the reasons for the decision, the financial implications and options considered should be included.
(2) The Panel were satisfied with the level of financial detail provided at today’s meeting, and request that this be included in the future report to the meeting of the Cabinet Committee (Local Issues).
(3) The Panel acknowledged the value and importance of pre-decision scrutiny process which may have mitigated the call-in. Whilst acknowledging the urgency of the decision every effort should be made in future to factor in pre-decision scrutiny.