7: Waste Disposal Contract Procurement PDF 638 KB
To consider the Waste Disposal Contract Procurement.
Wards affected: all
Contact: Nick Hancock, Programme Manager
1) That in relation to the interim arrangements, they be extended for a further three years with the contract expiry to be reprofiled to March 2028 under the Heads of Terms agreement with Suez and that a deed of variation be developed.
2) That approval be given to the revised procurement strategy based on a fully integrated contract to include household waste recycling centres.
3) That in Autumn 2026 further consideration be given to a full business case to approve the appointment of the preferred contractor prior to the commencement of a new contract.
4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration, Service Director Legal Governance and Commissioning and Service Director for Finance to: -
(i) Sign off and implement the required contract deed of variation and draw down the approved Capital and Revenue expenditure for extending the interim arrangements.
(ii) Commence a procurement process from December 2024 and to draw down the approved Capital and Revenue expenditure.
(iii) Take a decision following a further review to identify if efficiency opportunities could be made by mothballing the Kirklees Materials Recovery Facility and using a third party facility and/or changes to household waste recycling centre services.
(iv) Sign off and implement the required Deed of Variation to cover the Network Raise Infrastructure Limited replacement of the Weaving Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre.