9: Corporate Financial Monitoring Report Q1 2024-2025 PDF 1 MB
To receive information on financial monitoring for General Fund Revenue, Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and Capital Plan, as at Quarter 1 (month 3),
Wards affected: all
Contact: James Anderson, Head of Accountancy
1) That the forecast revenue outturn position at Quarter 1 for 2024/25 (£12.9 m overspend) be noted.
2) That the Quarter 1 forecast that the DSG deficit is forecast to increase by £20m in 2024/25 be noted.
3) That the Quarter 1 forecast HRA position (£403k deficit) and forecast year-end reserves position of £13.8m be noted.
4) That the Quarter 1 forecast capital monitoring position for 2024/25 and approve £62m re-profiling of the 2024/25 capital plan into future years be noted.
5) That the Quarter 1 treasury management prudential indicators be noted.
6) That authority be delegated to the Executive Director Adults and Health or his authorised representative to receive, host and utilise accelerating Reform Fund revenue funding (£1.57m) and to transfer to regional partners by way of revenue grants as part of this.