Issue - meetings

Fleet Replacement and Investment - Transport Services Capital Investment Vehicle Replacement Programme (VRP) - £21.7m, Invest to Save Waste and Recycling Fleet - £3.26m and Winter Service Review Bulk Gritters - £2.93m.

Meeting: 08/10/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9:)

9: Fleet Replacement and Investment pdf icon PDF 652 KB

To consider fleet replacement and investment.


Wards affected: all


Contact: Nick Clegg-Brearton, Fleet and Transport Manager

                Robert Jowitt, Highways Programme Manager


Additional documents:




1)    That approval be given to proceed with expenditure of (i) £21.7m from the agreed Capital Plan for the Vehicle Replacement Programme (years 2025/2026-2030/2031), supporting critical fleet replacement and transformation models over the next six year forecast (ii) £3.26m to replace Waste and Recycling hired fleet with capital purchase, supporting the reduction of the Council’s expensive fleet hire costs by generating a fleet whole-life cost saving model (offsetting hire costs v capital), removing reliance on unreliable hired fleet and providing frontline operational stability by capitalising fleet requirements and (iii) £1.8m to replace the current fleet of hired bulk gritting  vehicles with capital purchase fleet to achieve a financial saving from year 5 and add flexibility for the future in terms of how the service could be delivered.

2)    That approval be given to the procurement and award purchase contracts for the replacement of critical fleet and hired fleet assets outlined within the three capital scheme proposals (£26.76m over three years).

3)    That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Highways and Streetscene) in consultation with the Cabinet Member, to commence procurement activity for Vehicle Waste Replacement, Waste and Recycling hired fleet and hired bulk gritters replacements in line with UK procurement regulations and Contract Procedure Rules.