Issue - meetings

Consideration of Options for the future of Cleckheaton Town Hall

Meeting: 10/12/2024 - Cabinet (Item 9:)

9: Consideration of Options for the future of Cleckheaton Town Hall pdf icon PDF 799 KB

To consider options regarding the future of Cleckheaton Town Hall.


Contact: David Martin, Head of Service - Property



(Exempt information is detailed in an appendix to the attached report.


Consideration must be given to whether the public and press should be excluded from the meeting prior to the determination of the matter to enable the exempt information to be discussed by passing the following resolution: -


To resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act.)


Additional documents:




1)    That the detailed options, as outlined in Section 2 of the considered report, be noted.

2)    That the capital and revenue implications of each considered option, along with the condition information and development appraisal (Appendix A and B), be noted.

3)    That approval be given to Option 5, which seeks to engage the community in the day to day management, running and operation of Cleckheaton Town Hall, through a full repair and insurance lease, which commits the successful community group to cover the revenue operational costs of the building, and requests that the group identify a capital investment plan with appropriate sources of funding, whereby ownership would be retained by the Council.

4)    That authority be delegated to the Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the (i) Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Finance (ii) the Service Director - Finance and the (iii) Service Director - Legal and Commissioning to:


(i)             Consider and award, if required, a revenue grant in accordance with the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules to interested community group(s) to support the development of an appropriate business plan.

(ii)            Manage and review progress against the development of a revenue and capital business plan and the timeframes shown below during the three stages of the process - (1) Expression of Interest within one month of the invitation being advertised followed by (2) an application with Business Case within a further three months and (3) preparation of a report to return to Cabinet for consideration of the outcomes of the first two stages within a further two months.

(iii)          Ensure adequate provision is in place for all revenue and capital expenditure required to support the successful business plan.

(iv)          Negotiate and agree terms of the management agreement and/or full repair and insurance lease and any other documentation required.

5)    That approval be given to the continued retention of the building in a mothballed state during 2025, as necessary, to enable the community to bring forward a successful business case for the future operation of the town hall.

6)    That Officers be diligent in their consideration of any business cases submitted ensuring that any potential detrimental impact on other existing Council and 3rd sector operated facilities and venues was clearly shown and mitigations identified, if possible, to lessen the impact.

7)    That it be noted that Officers will submit a report to Cabinet in line with the stated timescales for further consideration and a decision following receipt of any applications and business cases from group(s) interested in moving forward with Option 5 as described within the report.


8)    That considerable flexibility be applied to the timescales that are set out in the report, as appropriate.

9)    That consideration be given to the potential use and allocation of Town and Village funding for scheme.