Issue - meetings

Chairs Update

Meeting: 06/02/2025 - Dewsbury Town Board (Item 7)

Chairs Update

Keith Ramsay – Chair of Board




That the Chair’s Update be noted.


The Chair provided an update on the following:


·       A Strategy Day for Board Members to attend was being planned for March.


·       Martin Wood, Head of Public Protection, was present to observe issues of safety and security in the centre of Dewsbury.


·       A recent visit had been undertaken by Board Members to the Construction Skills Village, who commented on the positivity, commitment and enthusiasm of course tutors. Board Members had observed that the modular build was effective and that there had not been an overspend. It was noted that, given more resources, there could be opportunity to expand the project, to meet local need for the training provided.


·       A visit for Board Members was to be arranged, to visit the Arcade which was nearing completion. The Board acknowledged that this was one of the first projects delivered by the Town Board.




That the Chair’s Update be noted.