40 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) - Financial Outturn 2014-15 PDF 233 KB
A report detailing the Revenue and Capital Outturn of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2014-15.
Officer: Helen Geldart: 01484 221000
(1) That the 2014-2015 year end Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital Outturn be noted.
(2) That the 2014-2015 year end Housing Revenue Account reserves position be noted.
(3) That the Council’s Treasury Management Policy underpinning the capital financing charge incurred by the Housing Revenue Account 2014-2015, which forms part of the wider Council Annual Report on Treasury Management, be noted.
4) That it be noted that the Housing Revenue Account Capital Outturn position forms part of the wider Council Capital Plan Outturn and Rollover update report.
Cabinet received a report which provided information on the revenue and capital outturn of the Housing Revenue Account 2014-2015. It was noted that this was the third year of operation under a self-financing arrangement.
The report provided information on the year end reserves position and base summary of the revenue outturn and reserve position at the year end was set out in Appendices 1 and 2. Cabinet were asked to note that the Council Treasury Management Policy which underpinned capital financial charges incurred by the Housing Revenue Account formed part of the wider Council Treasury Management Strategy report, and also that the Capital outturn position form part of the wider capital plan outturn and rollover update report.
Cabinet noted the key budget variances in the Housing Revenue Account outturn budget, as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report, specifically in relation to repairs and maintenance, which reflected a £3.3m underspend, equating to 14%, and also in relation to housing management which represented a 4% variance of £1.4m. Information regarding variances to the capital outturn budget were detailed at paragraph 2.5.
(1) That the 2014-2015 year end Housing Revenue Account Revenue and Capital Outturn be noted.
(2) That the 2014-2015 year end Housing Revenue Account reserves position be noted.
(3) That the Council’s Treasury Management Policy underpinning the capital financing charge incurred by the Housing Revenue Account 2014-2015, which forms part of the wider Council Annual Report on Treasury Management, be noted.
(4) That it be noted that the Housing Revenue Account Capital Outturn position forms part of the wider Council Capital Plan Outturn and Rollover update report.