13: West Yorkshire Transport Fund - Scheme Principles PDF 265 KB
A report seeking consideration of a number of forthcoming sensitive issues which are likely to arise from the development of the Kirklees WY Transport Fund schemes.
Officer: Keith Bloomfield: 01484 221000
(1) That approval be given to the following key highways design principals as a basis for the design and development of the Kirklees West Yorkshire Transport Fund schemes;
* Strategic and local needs will need to be carefully considered but where there is a strong evidence need for measures in support of overall benefits, strategic priorities will take preference over local ones.
* Gateways will be created on our main roads on approaches to all main towns and urban centres.
* Where schemes require third party land acquisition for highway purposes, such land will be acquired using compulsive purchase order powers where agreement cannot be reached by negotiation. Each case where a compulsive purchase order is considered necessary will be the subject of a further Cabinet report.
* To improve the capacity and reliability of our existing transport corridors the use of management and road space will be considered and control measures proposed if congestion benefits will be achieved. Such measures to also consider potential mitigation measures for economic and environmental frontage activities.
* The environmental and economic benefits of greening up our key transport corridors (green streets) is supported.
(2) That it be noted that the outcome of the application of these principals on all our Kirklees West Yorkshire Fund Schemes would be included in future individual project reports as they are developed and presented to Cabinet for consideration/approval.