11: Sufficient primary pupil places in the Huddersfield North area PDF 840 KB
A report seeking approval to begin the relevant statutory process to invite proposals to run a new primary Free School in Huddersfield north.
Wards: Ashbrow and Greenhead
Officer: Jane Weatherill: 01484 221000
1) That officers be authorised to develop plans for seeking proposals to run a new primary free school for Huddersfield North that supports a community wide approach for enough high quality learning places to serve the families in the area by establishing a new 420 place primary free school within a new build located on Clare Hill Playing Fields.
2) Pursuant to (1) above, the proposed school shall cater for pupils aged 4 to 11 years and shall have a Published Admission Number of 420 places.
3) That authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member to (i) engage and liaise with all stakeholders in conjunction with the Department for Education and the Education Funding Agency and (ii) develop ‘invitation to submit proposals to run a new primary academy school’ materials on the basis of the proposals.
4) That Offices be requested to report the outcomes of the ‘invitation to submit proposals’ to a future meeting of Cabinet for further consideration.
5) That Physical Resources and Procurement be authorised to continue to develop options appraisals, undertake further feasibility studies as necessary, and design development to firm up costings and proposals for the new school building at the Clare Hill Playing Fields site.