7: Solar PV Programme 2014-2017 PDF 494 KB
A report updating members on the reductions to the ‘Feed in Tariff’ and seeking approval to withdraw from the programme of works.
Officer: Dave Woodhead and Helen Geldart
(1) That the progress of installing 574 solar photo voltaic systems, against the original target, be noted.
(2) That the recent changes published by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, resulting in a 60% reduction in the Feed in Tariff rate for all systems registered after 15 January 2016, and the subsequent impact upon the financing of the project, be noted.
(3) That approval be given to the Council withdrawing from the programme of works, subject to panels being provided to homes where a commitment has been given to complete works and/or where works have already started.
(4) That, based upon the revised Feed in Tariff, the revised project expenditure and income projections, and the pressure upon the Housing Revenue Account, it be agreed that the project be ended.