Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday 2nd June 2015 4.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions

Contact: Andrea Woodside  Email:

No. Item


Membership of the Committee

To receive apologies for absence of Members who are unable to attend this meeting.


No apologies for absence were received.


Interests pdf icon PDF 21 KB

The Councillors will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have disclosable pecuniary interests, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items, or any other interests.


No interests were declared.


Admission of the Public

Most debates take place in public. This only changes when there is a need to consider certain issues, for instance, commercially sensitive information or details concerning an individual. You will be told at this point whether there are any items on the Agenda which are to be discussed in private.


It was noted that all Agenda Items would be considered in public session.



The Committee will receive any petitions and hear any deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also hand in a petition at the meeting but that petition should relate to something on which the body has powers and responsibilities.


Any Member of the Public wishing to make a deputation is required to give notice in writing to the Assistant Director – Legal, Governance and Monitoring at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.



No deputations were received.


Public Question Time

The Committee will hear any questions from the general public.


No questions were asked.


Member Question Time

To consider questions from Councillors.


No questions were asked.


Capital Funding of Highway Maintenance pdf icon PDF 202 KB

A report noting the changes in DfT grant funding for highway maintenance and seeking approval of the proposed prioritisation method for streets for repair.

Wards: All

Officer: Graham Mallory: - 01484 221000



(1)      That the changes to the DfT grant funding provision for highways maintenance, as detailed in the report, be noted.


(2)      That the proposed prioritisation method for streets for repair as set out in paragraph 2.8 of the report be approved.


Return to Statutory Provision in School Transport pdf icon PDF 163 KB

A report providing a summary of the first phase public consultation on the return to statutory provision in school transport. 


Wards:  All

Officer: Michael Bunting: 01484 221000



(1)      That the proposed policy as set out at Paragraph 5.4 of the report be supported.


(2)      That, pursuant to (1) above, Officers be directed to draft a revised policy for further consideration by Cabinet; and that (i) a report be submitted appraising Cabinet of the implications for Council in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duty and (ii) the draft policy shall expressly refer to the relevant statutory guidance and the Council’s legal duties and discretionary powers in relation to school transport.


Kirklees Cares - Transformation Challenge Award project pdf icon PDF 171 KB

A report presenting  the ‘Kirklees Cares’ project, which will help some of the most vulnerable young people in the district by using a new approach to supporting care leavers. 


Wards: All

Officer: Bev Paris: 01484 221000



That the content of the report, the expected benefits of the approach to care leavers, and the Council’s community commitment that all young people leaving Council care will be in employment, education or training, be noted.


Proposal to change the upper age range of Ravenshall School from 16 to 19 years. pdf icon PDF 310 KB

A report setting out the outcomes from the non-statutory consultation on the proposal to change the upper age range of Ravenshall School from 16 to 19 years.

Wards:  All

Officer: Jo-Anne Sanders: 01484 221000



(1)      That the feedback to the non-statutory consultation, and officer commentary addressing the issues raised, as set out in paragraph 6 of the considered report, be noted.


(2)      That approval be given for Officers to publish the statutory proposal and notice to change the upper age range of Ravenshall School from 16 and 19 years.


(3)      That the timescale for the subsequent stage of the statutory process be noted and that a further report be submitted to Cabinet during October 2015.


Representations received from the published statutory notices on proposals affecting specialist provision for children with special educational needs.

A reporting advising members on the outcome of the statutory processes for the statutory proposals for Flatts Nursery School, Rawthorpe St. James CE (VC) I&N School and Rawthorpe Junior School and seeking approval of the statutory proposals.


Wards: All

Officer: Mandy Cameron: 01484 221000



(1)      That the advice of the Kirklees School Organisation Advisory Group regarding the validity of the proposals be noted.


(2)      That it be noted that (i) all statutory processes have been carried out and (ii) decisions regarding the proposals will be taken within the statutory time period.


(3)      That the outcomes and recommendations of the Kirklees School Organisation advisory Group held on 28 April 2015, and the associated officer recommendations for the proposals, be noted.


(4)      That the Human Resource and Financial Implications of approving the proposals be noted.


(5) That approval be given to the following without modification or condition;


          (i)       The discontinuation of provision of six transitional places for children with speech, language and communication needs at Flatts Nursery School and;


          (ii)      The reduction of the number of transitional places for children with physical impairments from 16 to 5 at both Rawthorpe St James (VC) Infant and Nursery School.


(6)      That it be confirmed that full regard has been given to the Equalities Impact Assessment in terms of meeting the obligations of the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011 throughout the statutory process for the proposal including the decision to approve. 


Early Review of 2014-15 Council General Fund Revenue Outturn

A report seeking endorsement of capital funding and revenue reserves proposals.


Wards:  All

Officer: Eamonn Croston: 01484 221000



(1)      That approval be given to the proposed revenue contribution of £2.1m to support capital funding of short-life assets in 2014/2015, with a corresponding reduction in planned borrowing, resulting in £295,000 treasury management savings over a 7 year period from 2015-2016 onwards.


(2)      That it be noted that the savings as referred to in (1) above be factored into the annual re-fresh of the Council’s Medium Term Financial Plan for the 2016-2019 period.


(3)      That approval be given to the proposed use of reserves as part of the final accounts process 2014-2015, including the re-direct of £3m existing rollover reserve to support the ‘Journey to New Council’, and maximising the workforce restructure reserve available to support 2015-2016 Medium Term Financial Plan.


(4)      That the impact of (1) and (3) above on the overall general fund revenue outturn and capital outturn positions for 2014-2015 be noted and that a report be submitted to Cabinet and Council in July 2015 including 2014-2015 rollover considerations.


Corporate Performance Report - Quarter 4, 2014-15 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

A report providing an overview of the Council’s performance in relation to the Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plans for 2014/15 as at the end of Quarter 4..

Wards: N/A

Officer: Clare O’Regan: 01484 221000



That the Quarter 4, 2014-2015 Corporate Performance Report, be noted.