Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Andrea Woodside Email:
No. | Item |
Membership of the Committee To receive apologies for absence of Members who are unable to attend this meeting. Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Shabir Pandor, Naheed Mather and Viv Kendrick. |
Minutes of previous meeting To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 20 September 2016. Decision: Minutes for the meeting held on 20 September 2016 were agreed as a correct record. |
The Councillors will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have disclosable pecuniary interests, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items, or any other interests. Decision: No interests were declared at the meeting. |
Admission of the Public Most debates take place in public. This only changes when there is a need to consider certain issues, for instance, commercially sensitive information or details concerning an individual. You will be told at this point whether there are any items on the Agenda which are to be discussed in private. Decision: All items were considered in Public Session. |
Deputations/Petitions The Committee will receive any petitions and hear any deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also hand in a petition at the meeting but that petition should relate to something on which the body has powers and responsibilities. Decision: No deputations or petitions were received. |
Public Question Time The Committee will hear any questions from the general public. Decision: No public questions were asked at the meeting. |
Member Question Time To consider questions from Councillors. Decision: No member questions were asked at the meeting. |
report seeking approval for the development and delivery of the new
build school. Officer: David Martin: 01484 221000 Decision: 1.
That approval be given to the development and delivery of the new
build school building as set out in the considered report and
within the final business case attached to the report at Appendix
A. 2.
That approval be given to the capital allocation up to
£13.75M for this proposal, to be funded from basic need grant
and prudential borrowing (if required), as set out at section 2.22
and 2.23 of the considered report. 3.
That approval be given to the proposal
to the relief land required for the delivery of this project from
the Public/Private Partnership (PPP) one contract agreement via a
deed of variation, thereby enabling the Council to design, develop
and implement the required new school and its associated
infrastructure and sports provision outside the PPP one
contract. 4. That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director for Legal, Governance and Monitoring and Assistant Director for Physical Resources and Procurement to negotiate and implement any required deed of variation(s) to the PPP one agreement and any associated lease issues arising from this report. |
A report seeking consideration of the issues involved in progressing the proposals for new pupil places in Huddersfield North.
Officer: David Martin: 01484 221000
Decision: 1.
That the selection of Clare Hill playing fields for the preferred
site for the development and construction of a 420 place 2 form
entry primary school building for Huddersfield North. 2.
That officers be authorised to submit an
outline planning application for the new school in order to
establish whether the development of a new school on this land is
deliverable. 3.
That officers be authorised to continue discussions with Greenhead
College and to utilise appropriate resources to negotiate an agree
a valuation and heads of term for the potential purchase 4.
That in principle agreement be given to the potential use of some
of the Cemetery Road Allotments site as part of the overall
solution for the new school proposal, and that officers be
authorised to further investigate the potential impact of the
proposal on the existing non-statutory Cemetery Road allotments and
to work with the Allotments Team and plot holders to minimise, if
possible the potential impact. 5.
That the decision of the Assistant Director of Strategic Investment
Group to allocate £874,000 of funds from signed 106 Section
Agreements to offset the final cost of this new school building be
approved. 6.
That the intention of officers to return to Cabinet in spring 2017
with an updated report in relation to the project be
noted. |
A report presenting proposals to bring together Honley CE (VC) Infant and Nursery School and Honley CE (VC) Junior School to create an ‘all through’ primary school and seeking approval to carry out a statutory consultation.
Officer: Jo-Anne Sanders: Tel: 01484
Decision: 1.
That the strong collaborative approach demonstrated between the
governing bodies and the school leaders, providers and the local
authority that have enabled the development of proposals that seek
to secure the provision of learning places to meet the needs of
families in the community be acknowledged. 2. That officers be authorised to develop plans for consultation about proposals that support a community wide approach to making sure that there are enough high quality learning places to serve the families in the by:- · Amalgamating Honley CE(VC)Infants and Nursery School and Honley CE(VC) Junior School by working in collaboration with the Diocese Board of Education within the Diocese of Leeds to propose voluntary Controlled all through primary school with early education and childcare, within the amalgamated school continuing to be on the existing site and in buildings that are currently used for Honley CE(VC) Infant and Nursery School and Honly CE (VC) Junior School; § To cater for Pupils age 3-11. § With a published admissions number of 66 for Key Stage 1 and public admission number of 68 for Key Stage 2. 1.
Retaining the 48 part time early places for nursery children aged
3+-4 years were opportunities to further develop early learning and
child care services that meet future demand, including that
presented by the introduction of 30 hours free child care and, 2
year olds, being eligible to free early education. 3. That approval be given to the delegation of authority to the Director of Children and Young People in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio leader to:- · Engage and liaise with all stakeholders and where applicable in conjunction with the Diocese Board of Education with the Diocese of Leeds. · Develop consultation materials on the basis of the proposals below.
Organise and carry out a statutory consultation and
engagement. 4.
officers be requested to report the outcomes of the
consultation to Cabinet for further consideration of next
Enterprise Zones -- Memorandum of Understanding A report seeking consideration of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership with regard to Enterprise Zones.
Officer: Alan Seasman: 01484 221000
Decision: 1. That authority be delegated to the Assistant Director of Place (Investment and Regeneration) and Assistant Director Legal Governance and Monitoring to finalise and sign the strategic level memorandum of understanding between West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Department for Communities and Local Government in order to include Lindley Moor west, Lindley Moor east and Moor Park Mirfield within the regional M62 focussed enterprise zone, based on terms outlined at Appendix 1 to the considered report. |
North Kirklees Growth Zone Next Steps report A report providing information on the progress in developing the North Kirklees Growth Zone strategy and delivery plan.
Officer: Stephen Jagger: 01484 221000
Decision: 1.
That the Assistant Director of Place be requested to bring forward
clear goals on how to maximise benefits from the Housing Growth
Programme to the local economy through measures including training,
localising employment opportunities and business growth. 2.
That the draft core transport objectives for the North Kirklees
Growth Zone (NKGZ) as detailed in
section 5.5.4 of the considered report be adopted as the basis for
the areas transport strategy and that the Director of Economy
Skills and Environment, in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio
Holder be authorised to submit funding bids to assess scheme
viability/scheme appraisals in line with those
objectives. 3.
That the transport strategy delivery outcomes be phased over a 15
year planning period as outlined in section 5.5 of the considered
report and that the final draft strategy be submitted for consideration in Cabinet at a later
date. 4.
That the Council endorse the approach taken to secure quick wins to
support the Living Town concept as summarised in section 5.6.8 of
the considered report and that where applicable further reports be
submitted to Cabinet for approval. 5.
That the Assistant Director of Place be authorised to apply for
opportunities to secure funding to progress short term intervention
support the Living Town concept. 6.
That the timetable for the production of the Strategic Development
Framework (SDF) for Batley as outlined
in section 5.7 of the considered report be approved. 7.
That the Director Economy Skills and Environment be requested to
bring forward a more detailed report on governance following a
steer from the Cabinet on the approach outlined in section 5.8.10
of the considered report. 8.
That authority be granted to the
Assistant Director Place to enter into negotiations with Miller
Homes and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to bring forward
the sequenced masterplan for Dewsbury
Riverside, with final approvals being subject to outcomes of the
Local Plan process. 9.
That the Assistant Director Place be authorised to enter into
negotiations with Miller Homes on the prospect of carrying out a
phased joint development of the Dewsbury Riverside Project,
combining some or all the land assets owned by the Council and
those optioned to Miller Homes, with the objective of maximising
the return to the Council. 10. That the Assistant Director
Place be authorised to appoint a specialist consultant to advise on
and as necessary represent the Council’s interest in the
ensuring the maximum financial outcomes for the Dewsbury Riverside
Project. 11. That the Assistant Director
Place be authorised to utilise Council land assets to bring forward
an early phase of development at Dewsbury Riverside in conjunction
with Miller Homes in respect of the Unitary Development Plan
allocated sites and submit any necessary planning
applications. 12. That the Assistant Director
Place be authorised to seek to exercise break clauses in respect of
any existing leases and be authorised to oppose any applications
brought by tenants top renew their tenancies under the 1954
Act. 13. That in respect of decisions 9 ... view the full decision text for item 12: |
Public Art Policy 2016 A report seeking adoption of the Public Art
Policy. Decision: That the Public Art Policy as set out in the considered report be adopted to enable advocacy and implementation to help increase the quality of place making public art activity within the district. |
Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing - Annual Report to Kirklees Council A report providing an update on the performance of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing in delivering services for tenants and residents over the last financial year.
Officer: Helen Geldart: 01484 221000 Decision: 1.
That the achievements of Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing within the
last financial year delivered on the commission granted to them on
services/outcomes be noted. 2. That the report be referred to Council for information at its meeting in November 2016. |
A report seeking approval for capital expenditure to fund essential developments in IT systems in adult social care and commissioning to maintain and develop the effectiveness and continuity of services.
Officer: Keith Smith: 01484 221000
Decision: That approval be given to the Capital Expenditure Fund on essential developments in IT systems in Adult Social Care and Commissioning as set out in the considered report, including capitalisation of £150,000 from the Better Care Fund allocation for implementation of the Care Act. |