Venue: Virtual Meeting - online. View directions
Contact: Andrea Woodside Email:
No. | Item |
Membership of Cabinet To receive apologies for absence from Cabinet Members who are unable to attend this meeting. |
Minutes of Previous Meetings To approve the Minutes of the Meetings of the Cabinet held on 18 November, 26 November and 15 December 2020. Additional documents: |
Declarations of Interest Cabinet Members will be asked to advise if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion on the item or participating in a vote upon the item, or any other interests.
Admission of the Public Most agenda items will be considered in public session, however, it shall be advised whether Cabinet will consider any matters in private, by virtue of the reports containing information which falls within a category of exempt information as contained at Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Deputations/Petitions The Cabinet will receive any petitions and hear any deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also hand in a petition at the meeting but that petition should relate to something on which the body has powers and responsibilities.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10 (2), Members of the Public should provide at least 24 hours’ notice of presenting a deputation. |
Questions by Members of the Public Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, Members of the Public may submit written questions to the Leader and/or Cabinet Members. Any questions should be emailed to no later than 10am on Monday 18 January 2021.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11(5), the period allowed for the asking and answering of public questions shall not exceed 15 minutes. A maximum of 4 questions per person may be submitted.
Questions by Elected Members (Oral Questions) Cabinet will receive any questions from Elected Members (via remote access).
In accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 2.3 ( a period of up to 30 minutes will be allocated. |
To receive (i) an update report on the use of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 by the Council and (ii) an update on the 2020 IPCO inspection.
Wards affected: All
Contact: David Stickley, Legal Services Decision: That the Annual RIPA Update report be noted. |
Housing Revenue Account Rent and Service Charge Setting and Key Housing Challenges To consider the annual setting of rents and service charges.
Wards affected: All
Contact: Helen Geldart / Jacqui Fieldhouse, Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing Decision: 1) That, in order to comply with the requirements of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 to have a balanced Housing Revenue Account, the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016, and the rent standard, an increase be applied to the rents and service charges payable for social housing by CPI+1% from 5 April 2021, as detailed within the considered report. 2) That charges for (i) extra care services – intensive housing management, be uplifted by 2.75% and (ii) extra care services – night care services, be uplifted by 2.2%, in line with other increases. 3) That approval be given to the continuation of charging a target rent on all properties let to new tenants. 4) That the national and local financial challenges be noted in preparation for the Housing Revenue Account budget discussions in February 2021. |
Community Infrastructure Levy - Next Steps To consider next steps in relation to the Kirklees Community Infrastructure Levy, including an officer recommendation not to adopt the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule at this stage.
Wards affected: All
Contact: Steven Wright, Planning Policy and Strategy Decision: That the Council shall not proceed to adopt the Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule at this stage and that the implementation of the CIL be reconsidered at a later stage dependent upon national government policy intentions and economic circumstances. |
Dewsbury Town Deal - Town Investment Plan
To consider the progress of the Town Investment Plan (TIP) for Dewsbury and associated recommendations.
Wards affected: Dewsbury East, Dewsbury South, Dewsbury West
Contact: Simon Taylor, Town Centre Programmes Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan, as proposed by the Dewsbury Town Deal Board, be noted. 2) That the level of match funding required to deliver projects, and that provision for this will be made in the forthcoming capital plan, be noted. 3) That it be noted that the Dewsbury Town Deal Board may make final changes to the Town Investment Plan prior to its formal submission at the end of January 2021. 4) That the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan be submitted to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government before the end of January 2021. 5) That, pursuant to (4) above the Director of Growth and Regeneration, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and the Dewsbury Town Deal Board, negotiate and agree the terms of any Town Deal and any ancillary agreements required. 6) That, following the approval of the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan, the Chief Executive be authorised to enter into any grant agreement between the Council and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government in respect of any Town Deal, and any ancillary agreements required. 7) That the Council’s role as ‘Accountable Body’ for the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan and Dewsbury Town Deal Board be noted and endorsed. |
Locality Based Unclassified Roads Programme To consider the methodology designed to engage with Councillors and the allocation of funding for the delivery of a £15M locality based unclassified road programme.
Wards affected: All
Contact: Kathryn Broadbent, Environmental Services Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the methodology for place-based Councillor engagement, as set out within the considered report, be approved. 2) That (i) the funding allocation and (ii) the creation of a detailed locality unclassified roads programme to the value of £11.8m, as set out at Appendix A, be approved. 3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Environment), in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment to enable amendments in accordance with the Council’s financial regulations for the purposes of expediting efficient delivery of this programme. |
Kingsgate Phase 2 - Funding from the Property Investment Fund
To consider a request for loan support from the Property Investment Fund towards the remodelling of the Kingsgate Centre.
Wards affected: Newsome
Contact: Liz Jefferson / Adele Buckley, Economy and Infrastructure Decision: 1) That approval be given to a loan from the Property Investment Fund for the remodelling of the Kingsgate Centre, in accordance with the detail as set out within the exempt report at Agenda Item 15. 2) That the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration), in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Corporate Services, having sought advice from the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) and the Service Director (Finance) be authorised to carry out appropriate due diligence on the proposal to offer a loan from the Property Investment Fund, including due diligence on WD’s latest business plan. 3) That the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) be authorised to enter into any documentation required to agree the Property Investment Fund loan and to protect the Council’s position as lender. |
Exclusion of the Public To resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Kingsgate Phase 2 - Funding from the Property Investment Fund
(Exempt information in accordance with Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 namely it contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of a third party. It is considered that disclosure of the information would adversely affect a third party and therefore the public interest in maintaining the exemption, which would protect the rights of an individual or the council, outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information and providing greater openness in the Council’s decision making.)
To consider exempt information in relation to Agenda Item 13. |