Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Yolande Myers Email:
No. | Item |
Membership of Cabinet To receive apologies for absence from Cabinet Members who are unable to attend this meeting. |
Declarations of Interest Cabinet Members will be asked to advise if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion or participating in a vote upon the item, or any other interests.
Minutes of Previous Meetings To approve the Minutes of the Meetings of the Cabinet held on 5 September and 21 September 2022. Additional documents: |
Admission of the Public Most agenda items will be considered in public session, however, it shall be advised whether Cabinet will consider any matters in private, by virtue of the reports containing information which falls within a category of exempt information as contained at Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.
Deputations/Petitions The Cabinet will receive any petitions and hear any deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also hand in a petition at the meeting but that petition should relate to something on which the body has powers and responsibilities.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10 (2), Members of the Public should provide at least 24 hours’ notice of presenting a deputation.
Questions by Members of the Public To receive any public questions.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11 (5), the period for the asking and answering of public questions shall not exceed 15 minutes.
Questions by Elected Members (Oral Questions) Cabinet will receive any questions from Elected Members.
In accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 2.3 ( a period of up to 30 minutes will be allocated. |
To consider the approval of the Kirklees VCSE Investment Strategy and ‘We are Working Alongside’ shared values.
Contact: Noreen Abbas, Community Investment Manager Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That approval be given to the VCSE Investment Strategy and ‘We are Working Alongside’ shared values. |
Food Safety Service Plan 2022 To consider the approval of the Food Safety Service Plan 2022.
Contact: Judith Stones, Public Protection and Environmental Health Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That the Food Safety Service Plan 2022 be approved and adopted. |
Proposals for Additional Household Support in 2022/23 To consider the approval of proposals to provide support for households in 2022/23.
Contact: Julian Hobson, Welfare and Exchequer Services Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That in relation to households with children, (i) to explore making an award to families entitled to Free School Meals a one-off Cost of Living Payment of £50 per child, by way of a voucher rather than free school meal support, before Christmas 2022 with a cost in the region of £925,000, (ii) to explore whether Council Tax Reduction data could be used to identify households with children that are not of school age, to include those in the cost of living payment, and (iii) the value of that payment be decided with reference to volumes and those entitled through the mechanism identified in (i). 2) That in relation to all households, the remaining balance be utilised (i) by working with relevant partners, stakeholders, and 3rd sector organisations and (ii) by applications for support via Local Welfare Provision, assessed on a case-by-case basis to support families and individuals in need. 3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Corporate Strategy, Commissioning and Public Health) and Service Director (Children’s Services) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder (Corporate), Portfolio Holder (Learning, Aspiration and Communities) and Service Director (Finance) to agree the mechanism for how the remaining balance be used working the relevant partners, stakeholders, and 3rd sector organisations in accordance with the grant funding guidance. 4) That in relation to The Bread & Butter Thing, approval be given to spend c£125,000 from the Local Welfare Provision budget by way of a one-off grant to establish five further The Bread & Butter Thing hubs. |
To consider the approval of the proposed allocation of capital funding.
Contact: David Martin, Corporate Landlord and Capital Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That approval be given to the themes of work for 2022/23 – 2023/24 as detailed in Appendix A of the considered report. 2) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Development) to manage the implementation of the programme areas within the respective agreed total programme budgets and to (i) add or delete projects from the programmes, providing that the total cost of the programmes remain within the approval capital allocations, (ii) transfer resources between the Corporate Landlord programmes without restrictions to enable efficient delivery of projects, (iii) slip, delete or reallocate budget between projects during the course of the two financial years providing that the total cost of the programmes remain within the approved capital allocation set by Council to enable the effective management of the programmes concerned over the two-year period. 3) That approval be given to the virement of £275,000 in capital funding from the Strategic Priorities Dewsbury Sports Centre budget to the Corporate Landlord Asset Investment budget. 4) That authority be delegated to officers to identify, design, tender and implement the delivery of projects aligned with the work themes as identified in Appendix A of the considered report. 5) That approval be given to the proposed re-profiling of the Corporate Landlord Asset investment Baseline Five Year Capital Plan to bring funding forward from future years as described (paragraph 2.12 of the report refers) to enable the 2023/24 proposed programme to be delivered. |
UK Shared Prosperity Fund To consider the approval of the Kirklees UK Shared Prosperity Fund Programme.
Contact: Chris Duffill, Head of Business, Economy and Growth Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That approval be given to the delivery of the Kirklees UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) programme. 2) That approval be given to accept external funding of £5,824,858 from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) to support delivery of the Kirklees UKSPF programme, and for the Council to act as Accountable Body for the grant, subject to final approval by the Government and WYCA. 3) That approval be given to accept external funding of £790,231 from WYCA to support delivery of the Kirklees Multiply programme, and for the Council to act as Accountable Body for the grant, subject to final approval by WYCA. 4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) and the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to finalise and execute all necessary agreements with WYCA and the Council’s project delivery partners and to put in place the necessary governance arrangements for the local UKSPF and Multiply programmes. 5) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) and Strategic Director (Adults and Health) to implement the Kirklees UKSPF programme, including the commencement and award of any related procurement exercises. 6) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) to implement the Kirklees Multiply programme, including the commencement and award of any related procurement exercises. 7) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) and the Service Director (Finance) to submit grant claims and to undertake related project monitoring and reporting. |
To consider approval of the redevelopment of the George Hotel site.
Contact: Sarah Collins, Programme Manager – Town Centres Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That approval be given to the redevelopment of the George Hotel site as a hotel with an associated food and beverage offer. 2) That in relation to the hotel operator, approval be given to the preferred hotel operator - Radisson Hotel Group, utilising the Radisson Red brand, to be appointed to operate the hotel once all the necessary agreements are in place. 3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) and Service Director (Finance) to progress and conclude detailed negotiations with the recommended preferred hotel operator and to authorise the Service Director (Legal Governance and Commissioning) to enter into the Hotel Management Agreement (HMA) and any other ancillary formal legal documentation on behalf of the Council. 4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration), Service Director (Finance), and Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to explore and agree the preferred option relating to the potential commercial structure of the hotel ownership which could include a Special Purpose Vehicle (section 2.9 of the report refers), noting that this would be an alternative to the Council entering into the HMA directly with the preferred hotel operator. 5) That in relation to the cost, design and construction, approval be given to the capital allocation of up to £20,205,000 (section 2.11 of the report refers) and to make this available in the Capital Plan to deliver the project to completion. 6) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) in conjunction with the Service Director (Finance) to apportion further funds, if required, of up to 10% over the pre-tender estimate. 7) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Development), in conjunction with the Portfolio Holder (Regeneration), to agree the final design of the hotel. 8) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Development) to prepare and submit any necessary planning, listed building consent applications and any other statutory consents required to ensure delivery of the hotel development. 9) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Development) to undertake the necessary procurement exercise to award the building contract to deliver the hotel project, subject to planning, HMA and other necessary consents being in place. |
To consider the approval of grant support for the Fieldhouse project.
Contact: Peter Thompson, Economic Resilience Decision: RESOLVED -
1) That approval be given to a grant to Mood Development Limited (and/or its subsidiary company) of £2.83m towards the Fieldhouse project (appendix 6 of the report refers) and for officers to publish details of the subsidy on the national transparency database. 2) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) in conjunction with the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to agree and complete the grant agreement and other documentation necessary to enable the project to proceed. 3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Growth and Regeneration) in consultation with the Portfolio Holder responsible for Dewsbury Town Centre, the ability to vary the amount of grant in line with the conditions set out (paragraph 1.6 of appendix 6 of the report refers) and to be subject to the funds being found from within the existing Dewsbury Town Centre Action Plan programme resources. |
Exclusion of the Public To resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business, on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Decision: RESOLVED – That under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. |
Fieldhouse, 15, Wellington Road Dewsbury - Grant offer to Mood Developments Limited/Station Apartments Limited (Exempt information in accordance with Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972, as amended by the Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006 namely it contains information relating to the financial and business affairs of third parties (including the Authority holding that information). It is considered that the disclosure of the information would adversely prejudice those third parties commercial interests including the Authority and therefore the public interest in maintaining the exemption, which would protect the rights of an individual or the Authority, outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information and providing greater openness and transparency in relation to public expenditure in the Authority’s decision making.)
Exempt information in relation to Agenda Item 14. Decision: The exempt information was noted prior to the consideration of Agenda Item 14. |
The refurbishment and redevelopment of the George in Huddersfield Town Centre to transform this building into a new hotel as part of the Huddersfield Blueprint Decision: The exempt information was noted prior to the consideration of Agenda Item 13. |