Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Sheila Dykes Email:
No. | Item |
Membership of the Sub-Committee To receive apologies for absence from those Members who are unable to attend the meeting and details of substitutions and for whom they are attending. Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillors Paola Davies, James Homewood, Manisha Kaushik, Bernard McGuin and Musarrat Khan.
Councillor Eric Firth substituted for Councillor Homewood. |
Minutes of previous meeting To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30th November 2023. Decision: Resolved – That the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30th November 2023 be approved as a correct record.
Minutes: Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 30th November 2023 be approved as a correct record.
Declaration of Interests and Lobbying Members will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have any disclosable pecuniary interests, any other interests, or been lobbied, which may prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items. Minutes: Councillor Mohan Sokhal disclosed that he had been lobbied in respect of Application 2023/93291. |
Admission of the Public Most agenda items take place in public. This only changes where there is a need to consider exempt information, as contained at Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. You will be informed at this point which items are to be recommended for exclusion and to be resolved by the Committee. Minutes: All items were considered in public session.
Deputations/Petitions The Committee will receive any petitions and/or deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also submit a petition at the meeting relating to a matter on which the body has powers and responsibilities.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Members of the Public must submit a deputation in writing, at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting and shall subsequently be notified if the deputation shall be heard. A maximum of four deputations shall be heard at any one meeting. Minutes: No deputations or petitions were received. |
Public Question Time To receive any public questions.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the period for the asking and answering of public questions shall not exceed 15 minutes.
Any questions must be submitted in writing at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting. Minutes: No questions were asked. |
Site Visit - Application No. 2023/93291 Site visit to commence at approximately 11:30 a.m.
Minutes: Site visit undertaken. |
Planning Application: 2023/93291 Application for the erection of single storey extension and raised terrace at 18 Saint Francis Gardens, Fixby, Huddersfield.
Contact: Laura Yeadon, Planning Services Decision: Approved. Minutes: The Committee considered Application 2023/93291 in respect of the erection of a single storey extension and raised terrace at 18 Saint Francis Gardens, Fixby, Huddersfield.
Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 36(3) the Committee received a representation from Councillor Zarina Amin.
Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 37, the Committee received representations from Sabeen Akhtar and Shan Munir (in objection), and Jetinder Uppal and Alison Dumville (on behalf of the applicant).
Resolved –
That approval of the application and issue of the decision notice be delegated to the Head of Planning and Development, in orderto completethelistofconditions, including those contained within the report, as set out below, subject to the amendment of the wording of Condition 2 to require retention of the obscuration of the glazing, as film had been affixed:
1. Development to be completed in accordance with the approved Plans and Specifications.
Requirement: The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in complete accordance with the plans and specifications schedule listed in this decision notice,except as may be specified in the conditionsattached to this permission, which shall in all cases take precedence.
2. Obscuration of the clear glazing within the southern, south-eastern and eastern elevations.
Requirement: Within one month of the date of this permission, all clear glazing within the eastern, south-eastern and southern elevations shall be either, fitted with obscure glazing and / or a permanently affixed film, which achieves a minimum privacy rating Grade 4. The obscure glazing and / or permanently affixed film shall be at a height of 1.7m when measured from the finished floor levelinthelocationsdetaileduponsubmitteddrawingref05RevAandretained thereafter in accordance with these requirements.
A recorded vote was taken in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 42(5) as follows: For: Councillors Bellamy, Eric Firth, Jo Lawson, Lee-Richards, Marchington, McGrath, Safdar, Sokhal and Ullah (9 votes) Against: (no votes)